Fats are stored health, grown us just that!

Countless times we have heard that fats are harmful to health, because it clogs arteries, increasing the risk of heart disease, cause obesity .
But British cardiologist Dr. Asim Malhotra argued just the opposite. And far from being the only one!
Specifically, new research shows that the number one enemy of your body - sugar. In addition, Dr. Malhotra claimed that the full-fat products are good for health, and that there is ample evidence to show that fat is not only not lead to heart problems than diet that includes high-fat dairy foods protect against heart disease and dijabetesatipa second
Dr. Malhotra encourages his patients to eat fat, but to avoid "light" products.
- I advise them to eat full-fat products and foods that contain saturated fats. When they still point out to stay away from anything that supposedly lowers cholesterol, looking at me with his mouth open - says cardiologist.
He explained that all the products that supposedly lowers cholesterol increase the risk of heart disease and adds that fats are not (main) to blame for obesity.
- I avoided full-fat products, practicing, but I still have fat on your stomach. Then I started investigating the effect of fat on health - says the doctor.
Dr. Malhotra claimed that the greatest danger to the health of sugar, and it agrees with the professor pediatrician Dr. Robert Lustig. He has studied the impact of fat and sugar to obesity in children and concluded that products containing sugar need to have posted warnings, as have a cigarette or an alcoholic beverage.
More and more experts who believe that the main culprit for excess weight and a range of related diseases are not fat, but sugar.
- Do not breed of fat, just as you do not become a green vegetable that you eat - says cardiologist, and Dr. Gary Tobs warns that obesity has nothing to do with the number of calories, but with what we eat.
This is corroborated by the fact that about 23 percent of the population in Sweden adheres diet that includes high-fat products and less carbohydrates.
Swedish expert Dr. Andreas Enfeldt, who designed nutrition program with fewer carbohydrates and more fat, points out that many think that his diet "time bomb", but while everywhere in the world all the more overweight, the fact is that the number of people with overweight in Sweden gradually decreases.
Studies of the Swedish Health Council has shown that it is precisely this kind of diet the best, not only for losing weight, but also to reduce the risk of kardiovaskilarnih disease in obese people.
In addition, two studies by 2014, conducted by the Alliance for Medical Research at Cambridge University, has shown that saturated fats from dairy products, if consumed moderately, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
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