In the throat of hubris

No one could feel completely comfortable when Chris Rock took the Oscar stage.

OSCAR: Chris Rock kicked in several directions during the night Oscar show, but first and foremost against those who normally feel confident that they are on the right side.
There were many Reasons Why velvet seats in the Academy auditorium enough felt like pincushion for several of the famous butt ends and filled them. Not only they waited nervously to hear which of them had won. They wondered as to what would come from the show's host, comedian Chris Rock, who had made it known that he had written about opening monologue her after it became known that all the twenty nominees in acting categories were white, for the second consecutive year. In the heated debate that followed was Rock urged to withdraw from the show. He did not thankfully.
For Night when Hollywood pops champagne bottles for himself, went into Rock to make them feel uncomfortable. From the stage he stated that Hollywood was racist - not on an open, old-fashioned way, but in the way that the white establishment in Hollywood is perceived as a club that's hard to get into. That way that makes the nobles of hall boasts itself of being the most liberal people in the country and donate to Barack Obama, yet not hire black workers.
It was the frame criticism, but seemed as if it was directed towards the correct addressee. When frustration after the all-white nomination galleries gathered under hashtag #OscarSoWhite, grabbed Academy management quickly and promised that they would make efforts to change the composition of its membership, which takes out nominees and select winners. This is a group filmnestorer very gray-haired, very male and very white. New members were entering and old members pushed gently against a kind pensioner status.
This led reactions among Oscar voters, who take votes on its own and would have themselves frabedt to be put out on the sidelines because they were automatically assumed to be racists. And that's an important point that Academy members have far fewer films with black actors to consider compared to movies with white actors. The first step to getting more diversity among the nominees is enough to give the green light to several movies by black filmmakers, several stories with African Americans in the lead roles.
But Rock succeeded probably still get some who feel confident that they themselves are sitting on liberal attitudes, to wonder about the role they may have played in keeping the film industry visibly whiter than the television industry. He ended the monologue with a direct appeal that black actors had to get the same opportunities as white actors; not a requirement rates, but a requirement to have the chance to compete for them. He also this year's Oscar-debate in the context of African American history in a way that made some viewers to put white wine in his throat when he took up why it was exactly in 2016 reactions came, and not, for example, in the sixties.
 We had real things to protest at the time, he said.
- We were too busy being lynched and raped to care about who won for best cinematography.
It was still more than Hollywood peaks did pay the penalty. Rock also sent their pinpricks of those who had asked him to boycott the Oscar show ("Why is it only unemployed people asking you to quit your job?") And black stars as the married couple Will and Jada Pinkett Smith who stayed away in protest.
The TV viewers saw, was a presenter who did not attempt to curry favor with movie people; one that would entertain them, but by stroking mothårs more than medhårs. It was a signal that even the industry's biggest party night he would not let Hollywood join in a golden bubble. It was a direct challenge, served with such ease that it there and then, and in the days afterwards, are difficult to dismiss. But the echo of Rocks voice, turned up to eleven, will be into the rooms where decisions are made will not be ready until about a year or two, when it might stand a milder voice before it silkesvøpte and distinguished audience.
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