Skin Care in winter or cold weather

Winter days may be short, but we have characterized a dry cold.

1. Keep your skin moist and may need to a greater effectiveness in cold seasons moisturizer cream

2. sunscreen is important, even in winter. Vhms winter was cold even if it hurt the skin 3

3. Wet socks or gloves. May cause you itching and irritation of the skin.

4. Use a moisturizing air in your room or at home to reduce the dry weather.

5. Do not drink water from the minimalist and so for your health, and then glasses skin.

6. ye of little use of creams or skin peeling and cleaning strongly Use soap that contains moisturizing cream.

7. Stay away completely with little or taking a hot bath it is very very weaken the skin with cool because it is losing a lot of moisture.

8. If Conti suffer from skin problems in the cold nationalist visit a specialist for examination and treatment.
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